
Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Musing, Good in ALL Things?

Do you believe that God's Word is Truth?  Do you trust that God loves you and only wants His best for you?  Then this scripture should be a piece of cake to believe!  Not!  

These words are often shared with those who are in the midst of pain and grief with all the best intentions.  However, it is hard to understand or even want to believe these words when your heart is torn in two and your world is turned upside down.  It would be better to have these words ingrained in your spirit from childhood and then to recall and stand on them when those bad days come. 

I am one of those blessed ones whose parents did make sure I had His Word in my heart from a young age.  They also lived out those words in front of me and showed true faith in a God who promised to work ALL things for my GOOD.  Now, this scripture does have a disclaimer that states He will do this for "those who love Him and are called by Him".  That means I must be a sinner saved by grace and walking with Him in order for Him to carry out this promise.

Do I understand how God will turn losing a child into good?  No, I absolutely do not.  Can I comprehend the good in disease?  I can not understand with my own wisdom. What I do know is God sees FAR more than I do.  My mind is finite and His is infinite!  I view things in the present and He sees the beginning FROM the end.   I know God is love and truth and He will not harm His children. 

I can make these statements not only because of my parent's faith and experiences but because of my faith in the God who has shown me the truth in this scripture over the course of my 50 years of living. Just in my own life,  I have seen him  work the experiences of our rebellious teenager to good now that he is a youth pastor, I have seen him cause the mourning at losing the chance to adopt a child into joy of a miracle pregnancy.  He has given me peace and so much good in my disability. 

There are so many more examples I could share but I want you to remember what God has done for you. He loves you my friend and will work ALL things out for your good when you return that love!

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