Monday, October 31, 2011
I Turn to You
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Spool Wreaths
I have been super busy getting ready for 3 upcoming craft shows in November. These 2 wreaths are 2 items I am hoping will sell well. If not, I have a head start on Christmas gifts! I had seen a similar wreath to the star one on Pinterest and knew I had to make some. My mom used to sew all of my and my 2 sisters' dresses and she never threw anything away. Lucky me! I remembered that she probably had a ton of old wooden spools and I was right. She was glad to get them out of her house and I was thrilled to take them!
I spray painted the spools red and then covered the 1st set in scraps of Close To My Heart "Believe" papers. I cut 2 stars using the Art Philosophy Cricut cartridge and glued them together to make the center star a bit more sturdy. I had been given some wooden beads recently and was excited to see some of them were red. Score! I threaded the spools and beads on red wreath wire and added a bow and the star. I really like the way it turned out.
The 2nd wreath was started the same way but I covered the spools with baker's twine instead. The stocking was cut with the AP cart as well and then stamped with the coordinating stamps. I'm not sure which wreath is my fave. How about you?
Come back Thursday when I will announce the winner from my Inspired Stamps drawing for reaching 150 followers!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Inspired Stamps Snowmen Double Tri-fold Card
The Design Team's assignment this week was to create a fun fold card. Be sure you check out the great cards by the rest of the team-their links are on the side. For my card, I chose to make a new fold to me-the "Triangular Trifold Card". It was quick, simple and economical-you can make 3 bases from 1 sheet of cardstock! Here's the card opened:
Would you like a quick tutorial? Here you go! Start with a 4" x 12" sheet of cardstock

(No Photo) Adhere a shape base to the front left ONLY and OVER the ribbon/twine. Embellish as desired. Tie ribbon/twine on the side to close the card.
Here's the completed card again:
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Need to Freshen Up For the Holidays?
Thanks! Belinda
P.S. my fave fragrance is Welcome Home
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Teen Angst? There's Hope!
Our oldest son (24 years old) is now a youth pastor and worship leader. He is married to our wonderful daughter-in-love who serves faithfully beside him. We were privileged to hear him preach and sing last Sunday and it was such a blessing to witness the fruit of our prayers and pleadings all of his teen years.
You see, before our son became a minister, he traveled a path of rebellion against his parents and against the calling God had placed on his life years ago. He was never a "bad" kid or the kind you "knew" would end up as a failure. He never dropped out of school or church. In fact, he was an excellent student and athlete. He played drums for his youth group and sang in the youth ensemble. As long as he lived at home, he wasn't a party boy or drunkard.
However, under the outward appearance of a squeeky-clean Christian young man, was a teen who lived a less than pleasing life when out of our sight. His Dad and I knew that something was not right, we confronted him on more than one occasion with our suspicions but he would look us in the eye and lie and tell us we were wrong. Or, he would attack us with a verbal assault of anger and unfortunately, I usually yelled right back.
He was doing "typical" teen things-cussing with his football buddies, having an inappropriate relationship and other indiscretions. We tried to make him see that actions have consequences and some of those consequences would affect more than just him. We prayed fervently for him, asking the Father to protect our son and to lead him in paths of righteousness.
At this time, I am not ready to share the details of the consequences of his rebellion. His Senior year brought us joy and heartache. He entered college on a football scholarship and did well academically. However, being away from home accelerated some of his poor choices and although he occasionally attended a church near campus, he was not faithful. We continued our prayers for him even more fervently now that he was out of our home.
In his sophomore year, he became more faithful to church attendance and found a church with strong leadership and a good college group. God began to change his heart and he became more aware of the dangerous games he had been playing with his spirituality. One night, he called us and told us that he would no longer run from the call on his life and he was going to leave the college he was attending and transfer to a Bible University not far from us. He had decided to change his career path of education and athletics to youth ministry!
I can tell you this momma was dancing in her wheelchair! We were so thankful to God for allowing our son to turn from a path of destruction to one of life in Christ. We were glad we had never given up on him and never gave up on praying for him.
I want you to know if you are a hurting parent who has given up on your child ever turning to the Lord, there is HOPE! Pray fervently for your child, be a godly example to them, stay in their face with your suspicions, love them with all your heart whether or not they return that love, require their church attendance as long as they live in your home and you are paying the bills. I can't promise you will see them turn around as "quickly" as our son did. My older brother is an example of a man who broke his momma's heart well into his adulthood. But the power of the prayers of his wife, parents and family finally broke the hardness of his heart after many years and he turned his life over to Christ and hasn't turned back.
There is hope and God is faithful. Hold on momma!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Harvest Happiness Candle
I simply tied a ribbon around the candle and then hot glued everything else in place. OF COURSE, the shapes were all cut with the CTMH Art Philosophy cartridge and then stamped with the coordinating stamps from the Harvest Happiness stamp set. I used several shades of brown and orange to get the variegated look for the leaves.
If you love this cartridge as much as I do, you are going to want to check back with me next week because we have a fabulous holiday stamp set at a fabulous price that coordinates beautifully with this cartridge!
By the way-still looking for 1 more follower! When I reach 150, I will have a give away! Leave a comment and be a follower to be entered.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Glory to God
Here it is:
Monday, October 17, 2011
Monday Musing-I've Got a Song!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Inspired Stamps Chalkboard and Giveaway
As so often happens with my artwork, this little project was a result of what was laying on my desk following a week of crafting frenzy!
Most of the elements of this chalkboard are actually leftovers from other projects that I tweaked for this Inspired Stamps Design Team assignment. Our mission: create a thankful project.
Of course, I had to use the adorable HLO:Thankful Girl. She’s so sweet in her dressy outfit. Please click on the photo so you can see the details. I gave her sparkly shoes to go with her sparkly flower in her hair. The leaves are stamped with the “Thanks” stamp from the More Perfect Sentiments set (again to see this clearly, click on the photo). The gold embossed sentiment is from the same set and I actually altered it a bit to use for my purpose by cutting off the word “you” at the end. The beauty of these clear stamps is that in the future I can replace the “you” at the end of the phrase by putting them both on a block and stamp it as needed.
The people I am thankful for are written in chalk because the black cardstock is actually Chalk Stock:).
other supplies used:gold embossing powder (CTMH); leaves and flowers cut with CTMH Art Philosophy Cricut cart; CTMH Goldrush, Chocolate and Autumn Terracotta ink; CTMH Glitz in bronze and stardust; Copics; bronze flower; scrap paper
OK, I have been sitting on 149 followers now for several days and I want to turn it over to 150. Anyone who becomes a NEW follower and leaves a comment on this post will be entered into a drawing for the Thankful Girl stamp from me! If you are already a follower and would like a chance to win, leave me a comment and then tell a friend to come follow and leave a comment that YOU sent them here. Your friend will have a chance and you will have a chance. There will only be ONE winner. I will draw a name Friday morning if I reach 150 or more followers. Good Luck!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
A Reason to Celebrate
My in-laws will celebrate their 50th anniversary this Friday. In August I posted about my parent's 65th anniversary. We are so thankful both sets of parents have left such an amazing legacy of love and commitment. Their examples are so important for their children and grandchildren.
I created my in-laws a similar shadowbox to the one I made my parents. I think they will really love it. I used the Wings paper from Close To My Heart. I cut the flowers and journal box with the CTMH Cricut Art Philosophy cartridge . I think my fave way to do these flowers is to use the Colonial White cardstock and then ink the edges after rolling-so pretty!
The card photo does not do it justice but all that gold just wouldn't let get a good photo. I used the CTMH Universal Background music stamp for the back of the frame and embossed it in gold, the rose is from the CTMH Sweet Moments stamp set-also embossed. The frame was cut with Art Philosophy and I ran the edges of it and the card through Versamark ink before sprinkling with embossing powder and heating to glimmering goodness. The word is from the Art Philosophy coordinating stamp sets.
I bought a new toy at Michael's yesterday and went a little crazy with the gold gems using my new I-Rock. I love this gadget!
As always, click on the photos to see more detail. Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Hope and Trust
God's Word
Psalm 25:5 "Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
The Song
"My Hope is In You" by Aaron Shust
My Thoughts
When our lives are going well and every moment is blessed and golden it is so easy to say we trust in the Lord. But when life's journey brings us to moments of grief, illness or loss it can be even easier to take our eyes off our heavenly Father and turn them to what may seem more tangible. We want to hope in something we can see or hold. When the dollar fails, some put their trust in gold. When sickness strikes we turn our trust over to doctors, medicine or a hoped for cure.
All the while, our heavenly Father patiently waits for us to turn to Him. I know when I choose to "meet with (Him) my soul sings out" and His "word throws doubt far away". Our everyday relationship with Christ should be such that we can say with the Psalmist "My hope is in You, Lord, All the day long. I won’t be shaken by drought or storm." I have learned this lesson well over the last decade. I rely daily on my Father to provide physical strength in my weakness. I find myself telling Him throughout the day that it's just me and Him and I need Him to be my strength-to get in and out of the shower, to pull my jeans up, to drive, to just live life. When your reliance on God becomes that basic, you discover the meaning of the scripture that talks about praying without ceasing!
I don't think there is anything that makes modern man realize how little he controls our world as the weather does. Here in N. Texas we have not seen many storms this year but we have certainly dealt with drought. Man has yet to create a way to control the wind and the rain. I know if we had, our ranchers and farmers would not be begging for hay from other states or weeping over failed crops. I find it interesting that when we face severe drought, folks who rarely speak the name of God begin praying for rain; they know they can't hope in the weatherman to provide.
When Aaron Shust was being interviewed about this song, he shared a personal time of struggle he and his family were going through concerning the health of one of their children. He told of how real the words of this song became when they could not hope in medicine but could only put their hope in the Lord. He shared a quote from Matthew Henry’s commentary on Psalm 121: “We must not rely upon men and means, instruments and second causes. Shall I depend upon the strength of the hills? Upon great men? No, my confidence is in God only. Or, we must lift up our eyes above the hills; we must look to God who makes all earthly things to us what they are. We must see all our help in God; from Him we must expect it, in His own way and time. This Psalm teaches us to comfort ourselves in the Lord, when difficulties and dangers are greatest. It is almighty wisdom that contrives, and almighty power that works the safety of those that put themselves under God's protection.” Amazingly powerful words!
In addition to our physical needs, we must seek God for spiritual strength as well. Simply relying on Him for our physical needs will not provide our soul with the rest it needs. As the song says "I wait for You and my soul finds rest. In my selfishness, You show me grace". When we choose to turn our trust and hope over to a loving and all powerful God we will find the "peace that passes understanding".
Your Response
Say the words of this song to your Heavenly Father, "I will wait on You, You are my refuge.
My hope is in You, Lord All the day long I won’t be shaken by drought or storm." Wait on Him and He will provide the peace and strength your body and soul need.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
CAS Inspired Stamps Card
Today I am sharing my Inspired Stamps “Designer’s Choice” card with you with a bit of trepidation! “Clean and Simple” is not usually my style but I felt like stretching myself and doing something I usually don’t! The actual design started completely differently in my mind but after I punched out the scallop, I left it alone to do the 2 smaller circles. When I looked back at it, I thought it would be fun to just leave it in its original spot but pop-dot it for interest.
I kinda like it, do you? For all stamping, inside and out, I used the wonderful Card Ministry Basic stamp set.
Keep reading for the inside-I couldn’t leave it alone and had to fancy it up since the outside was so plain!
One fabulous feature I love about Inspired Stamps is the clear photopolymer material that allows me to manipulate long phrases into curves. And these stamps are all created and manufactured in the USA!
The flower, stem, leaves and pot are all separate stamps which allow for ultimate creativity. In addition to coloring my flower with Copics, I added a bit of dimension and gloss to the petals with a gel-type liquid that I can’t remember the name of!
Be sure you check out the rest of the team’s projects-they are just gorgeous! The links are on the side.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Anniversary Tray
I bought this tray and paper (7Gypsies) awhile back and just left it out until I could decide what to do with it. I started a couple of times to use it but nothing ever came together until I got these photos back from the printer. The photos are from my in-laws 50th anniversary trip. They took the whole family along with them-except me-I had a previous commitment :( You can click on the photo to see all the yummy vintage touches I added. The buttons and spools were my grandmother's, probably from the 50's. Now, I hope that it stays on my shelf after my in-laws come to visit! I have a special gift for them but she might just want to exchange it for this!
Monday, October 3, 2011
When the Saints
This song speaks my desire.